The fact that I’ve owned since the last millennium and not done anything useful with it is probably not centered but fairly extreme. Thus, on its 25th anniversary of uselessness, which surely warrants some kind of award from the ICANN or something (hook me up), here we are.
The term “execution path” part is likely familiar if you’re an engineer. A “centered” execution path doesn’t make much sense on the code level since, ultimately, everything boils down to hard left or hard right once you get deep enough. “Centered” makes sense at a higher level; potentially in architectural cases and certainly when on the meta level where we think about approaches to software development and all the communication, people, process, management and leadership facets thereof. In general, I’ll be writing about my observations of execution paths in that space and why, in my view, staying near the middle is a healthy default option. Since I like to think I’m funny – or at least have a remarkable ability to overuse really bad puns – I landed on this particular string concatenation for the title of this blog.
Opinions are my own and not necessarily those of any planet, nation, employer, organization or ragtag group to which I belong.